Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shahana Abdulwahid is official UPD SR nominee

Shahana Abdulwahid, current University Student Council (USC) chairperson is the official Student Regent nominee of UP Diliman after the student convocation held yesterday, December 11, 1 to 4pm at the UP School of Economics Auditorium. Fourteen student councils and USC councilors voted in favor of elevating Ms. Abdulwahid to the system-wide student regent selection process; six student councils, including SESC, and USC councilors abstained while one student council and one USC councilor voted against. Each student council and USC councilor is alloted one vote.

The system-wide student regent selection will be held on December 21 to 22 at the General Assembly of Student Councils at UP Baguio. For more information about the Office of the Student Regent, please read the following issue of Critical Points.

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