Tuesday, July 17, 2007

USC holds M.I.L.E.S. 2 for organization heads

The University Student Council (USC) Finance Committee together with the UP Junior Marketing Association and the aid of the College of Engineering Student Council held the second part of M.I.L.E.S, Marketing in Leadership Excellence Seminar last July 18, 1-4pm, at the College of Engineering P&G room. This time, the seminar catered to organization heads.

The finance and marketing seminar aimed to help organizations in areas such as brand development, event organizing and marketing, and financial management.

The event was spearheaded by USC Councilor and Finance Committee member Jo Latuja. The USC Finance Committee is headed by Councilor Aisa King. The committee also held the same seminar for local college councils.

You can download the speaker's powerpoints by clicking on the following links:
Organization Branding
Financial Management
USC Finance Committee Sample Forms

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