Sunday, August 5, 2007

Critical Points: STFAP and ToFA

The School of Economics Student Council (SESC) needs to know your views on the Tuition and Other Fee Increase (ToFI) and Socialized Tuition Fee Assistance Program (STFAP) as it prepares to makes its stand on this issue.

You can avail yourself of a hard copy of this primer in the SESC Midsem Madness booth at the lobby where you can get free bluebooks and yellow pad and order your batch shirt for the August 25 Schoolympics.

Attend the school-wide students' consultation by the SESC on
Friday, August 10, 11:30 to 1pm and on Monday, August 13, 4:00 to 6:30pm, at SE 111. FRESHMEN are especially invited to attend.

Click the images to view the second issue of Critical Points on ToFA and STFAP we prepared:

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