Friday, January 4, 2008

Abdulwahid is official student-regent elect by GASC

Shahana Abdulwahid, UP Diliman University Student Council chairperson, is the official student regent-elect of the General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC) convened last December 21 to 22 at UP Baguio by current Student Regent Terry Ridon. Abdulwahid was elected from four student nominees from UP Baguio, UP Los Banos, and UP Manila after much deliberation and discussion. The other nominees from each campus respectively are: Deo Florence Onda, Ruel Gongora, and Jose Tenorio. Abdulwahid garnered 14 votes all in all, two votes each from UP Baguio, UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, UP Manila, UP in the Visayas, UP in Mindanao and one vote each from UP Extension Program in San Fernando, Pampanga andUPV Tacloban College. The designation of votes for each unit is designated by the Codified Rules of Student Regent Selection as approved last October 29's GASC in UP Los Banos.

Abdulwahid now awaits her official appointment to the Board of Regents by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

To read the vision-mission and the curriculum vitae of each nominee, click on the following links:

Deo Florence Onda (UP Baguio)
Shahana Abdulwahid (UP Diliman)
Rula Yael Gongora (UP Los Banos)
Jose Ignacio Tenorio (UP Manila)

The GASC's agenda can be found here.