Monday, April 28, 2008


Hi! This is Pierre Martin Reyes, your School of Economics Representative- Elect.

This blog is intended to update the School of Economics studentry about the University Student Council. Updates about the summer activities and campaigns of the School of Economics Student Council (SESC) will be posted here while our new SESC website is still under construction. Also, I would like to inform you that the Econ rep blog will be integrated in that site as well. For the time being, I will keep you posted through this site.

Please feel free to provide questions, comments and suggestions. You may email me at

SESC Position Paper on the Rice Crisis

The UP School of Economics Student Council (SESC), in its commitment to make the study of economics relevant to the needs of the Filipino people, puts forward a position paper on the rice crisis. In behalf of the other members of the SESC, I am happy to inform you that the position paper is now available for download.

Download here

For comments and inquiries about the position paper, feel free to email me at

Thank you!

Pierre Martin Reyes
Economics Representative-Elect