Friday, July 20, 2007

SESC, UP ETC hold JPEPA In Focus

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The UP School of Economics Student Council and UP Economics Towards Consciousness organized "JPEPA In Focus: Understanding Prospects and Issues" last July 20, 2007 at SE 127 from 3pm to 5:30pm.

The forum aimed to raise consciousness among the students regarding the Japan-Philippine Economics Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) through an assessment of the issue from different perspectives. The organizers invited credible speakers to shed light on this issue. Dr. Erlinda Medalla of the Philippine Institute of Development Studies, discussed the research and drafting process as well as the economic principles behind the agreement. Atty. Tanya Lat of IDEALS tackled the repercussions of the issue using her background in International Trade Law. USC Councilor Paolo Mapula graced the event as student reactor.

You can download the presentations of the speakers by clicking on the following links:
Dr. Erlinda Medalla
Atty. Tanya Lat