Thursday, February 21, 2008

A.S.A.R.A.N. na!

February 22, 2008
Advocacy for Sustained Accountability and Reform

The UP Law Community urge you to fight for Truth and Accountabilty. We persist in our call for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo' s resignation, and this Friday's convergence is OUR STAND against the administration's continued refusal to publicly condemn the corruption and bribery in the ZTE-NBN deal.

The UP Law Student Government, in cooperation with the Ateneo Law and UST Student Councils, is inviting all organizations, fraternities, sororities, professors and students to be ONE this Friday, February 22. Please assemble at your respective colleges at 3:00 pm, and march into Malcolm Hall (LAW) by 4 pm. We will be joined by Mr. Jun Lozada at 5 pm.

Please wear WHITE.