Thursday, October 11, 2007

USC, Toblerone celebrate National Thank You Day

USC and Toblerone celebrates the National Thank You Day on October 20 at the SM Mall of Asia, iMAX Parking featuring Stone Free, The Dawn, Cynthia Alexander, Salindiwa, Mozzie, and Reggae Mistress. As one of USC's sponsors, UP students posed with the giant Toblerone chocolate bars as chocolates have become one of the universal symbols of expressing gratitude. Vist to see other pictures.


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Two college reps resign; councilor dropped from roll

Two college representatives resigned and one councilor was impeached in the University Student Council this first semester. Kamaruddin ibn-Alawi Muhammad, college representative of the Institute of Islamic Studies has resigned due to. He is replaced by Mohammad Taha Basman, II. J Mikhail Nacino, college representative of the National College of Public Administration and Governance resigned for health reasons. Councilor Pastor Dimaano on the other hand was dropped from the roll after four consecutive absences in the USC's general assembly. He is replaced by Diana Fajardo, a fifth year political science student who ranked thirteenth among those who ran for councilor in the last USC election.

UP SESC joins SAWA; USC meet with fraternity heads

The UP School of Economics Student Council formally joined SAWA or the Student-led Alliance Watch against Hazing convened by the UP Law Student Government and UP Alyansa. The alliance, composed of individuals, councils, organizations, alumni, aims to eradicate organization, particularly organization, violence, in all fronts - from above (alumni), below (students, recruits), and within (members). The first general assembly of the alliance was held last September 28 at Malcolm Hall, Room 312.

Meanwhile, the University Student Council (USC) met with the representatives of some 13 fraternities last September 26 at the USC office after president Emerlinda Roman issued an administrative order directing fraternities to justify their existence within the university system.
Of the 13 fraternities, no representative of the Sigma Rho, Alpha Phi Beta, and Scintilla Juris attended the meeting. The three fraternities are among the most dominant Greek letter organizations in the university.

The USC is currently arranging a dialogue between the student council, fraternity heads, and the UP administration in order to clarify some points of Roman's directive.

USC screens Will to Win:Pacquiao Versus Barrera

The University Student Council, Rotary Club of Quezon City, Inner Wheel Club of Quezon City, Solar Sports Entertainment Corporation held a live via satellite broadcast of "Will to Win: Pacquiao versus Barrera" last October 7 at the UP Theater, UP Diliman, QC. Tickets cost 200 pesos. This fundraising event was spearheaded by USC Councilor Noel Reyes.