Friday, June 29, 2007

USC on the Human Security Act, Gay Pride, and New Dormitory Admission Policy

USC holds forum on the Human Security Act

The University Student Council (USC) Students' Legal Aid and Action Center (SLAAC) headed by Law Representative Leni Papa together with the Law Student Government (LSG) National Affairs Committee, the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council, and the USC Education and Research Committee held "Terorista ka ba?: A forum on the Human Security Act." Two hundred students attended the forum held at PH 400 last June 29, 2007. The law will take effect on July 14, 2007.

Speakers for the event were Professor Harry Roque and Professor Theodore Te from the UP College of Law, Congresswoman Etta Rosales from Akbayan, and Ms. Ronalyn Olea from Bayan. Professor Harry Roque provided the the international context in which the Anti-Terrorism law was legislated and will be implemented. Congresswoman Etta Rosales on the other hand talked about the Anti-Terror law's history before it was passed in Congress. Professor Theodore Te then explained the many legal issues that plague the said bill while Ms. Ronalyn Olea discussed the said law in line with President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's repressive policies. All speakers pointed out how the bill's vagueness, combined with its broad definition of what constitutes an act of terrorism, and the presence of other laws and court decisions that protect the country from acts of terrorism should render the law void. According to Professor Thedore Te,
the Human Security Act "allows State agents to exercise discretion without clear standards." Ms. Eleanor Abellar of the LSG National Affairs Committee hosted the event.

The forum was spearheaded by USC Councilor Third Bagro and LSG National Affairs Committee member Emma Manlague. Yours truly is part of SLAAC and the organizing team of the said event together with college representative Oliver Co .

To view the event's pictures click here. To view the powerpoints of the speakers, right click on their underlined names above and click Save As. You can read the full text of the Human Security Act by clicking here.

In response, the UP School of Economics Student Council's Office of the Economics Representative and Education and Research Committee will spearhead an information drive in UPSE regarding the said law.


USC celebrates Pride Week

The University Student Council (USC) Gender Committee headed by College of Education Representative Paula Mendoza held a series of activities in its week-long celebration of Gay Pride Week. The week started off with the launch of a pride exhibit displayed for the whole week at the College of Education lobby. The roving exhibit will next be displayed at the Palma Hall lobby from July 16 to July 20. Mr. Marcel Punongbayan of Pro-Gay served as one of the reactors in Terorista Ka Ba: A Forum on the Human Security Act held last July 29, tackling the issue from the perspective of LGBTs (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trangenders). The week culminated in a night of poetry and music for LGBTs entitled 13 YEARS OF PHILIPPINE PRIDE: Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders in the Emergence of Human Security ACT of 2007 held at Likha Diwa Coffee Shop, Krus na Ligas last July 30. The night featured performances from Karatula, Kontra-Gapi, Alay-Sining, UP Writers Club, UP Repertory Company.


USC holds consultation, camp-out protest for dormers

The University Student Council Dormitories, Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities (DOFS) Committee convened representatives from different dormitories within UP in order to address the many problems and issues arising from the implementation of the new dormitory policy last June 16.

The convened body then spearheaded a camp-out protest last June 17, 5-9pm, at the Yakal Open Grounds to call on the administration expedite the allocation of the remaining dorm slots to deserving students; release the list of accepted dorm applicants—with the corresponding point equivalents; review, revise, and reform the rules for dorm application.

The DOFS committee is headed by Patrick Joseph Daep. Councilor Third Bagro, a member of the DOFS committee, convened the said assembly.

Here is the USC Press Release and the UPSE's E-React Board on the said issue.