Saturday, June 23, 2007

TERORISTA KA BA? A forum on the Human Security Act of 2007

The University Student Council Students' Legal Aid and Action Committe (SLAAC)

with the
UP LSG National Affairs Committee
UP CSSP Student Council and
USC Education and Research Committee

invites you to

To read the PDF version of the Human Security Act of 2007, click



University of the Philippines Student Council (USC), in its thrust of offering a wide array of services for the holistic development of the iskolar ng bayan, has instituted the Students’ Legal Aid and Action Committee (SLAAC). It is a paralegal support center that champions the legal rights of the students and the UP Community through a three-fold strategy:

1. Education – awareness campaigns, information dissemination
2. Mediation – conflict resolution
3. Collaboration – initial assessment of cases, advocacy of causes

In acting as the guardian of student legal rights, the SLAAC, in cooperation with the UP Law Student Government National Affairs Committee (LSG-NAC), the UP College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council (CSSP SC), and the USC Education and Research Committee (USC-EDRES), will kick-off the start of the academic year with a roundtable discussion on one of the most urgent issues facing the country today – the
Human Security Act of 2007 (Anti-Terror Bill). This statute has been the subject of fierce debates in its enactment early this year, and has gained notoriety even in the international community for its constitutionally problematic implications affecting each and every Filipino. The United Nations Special Rapporteur recognized the danger of this legislation when he commented that such legislation “could have a negative impact on human rights in the country and undermines the rule of law”.

The main points of controversy are found in, but not limited to, the following:

1. Acts Punished – vague definitions of terrorism and terrorist acts
2. Rights Undermined
Privacy – authority granted to Government to examine bank records of certain groups and/or individuals
Liberty – new rules on pre-charge detention and post-bail restrictions on movement
Association – capacity granted to Government to name certain groups as terrorists

In a socio-political environment made tense by election controversies, ceaseless corruption charges, vigilante killings, and manifest poverty, the Human Security Act of 2007 is a chilling legislative answer to terrorism in the country.

And this statute is set to take effect in July, 2007.

It is high time that the iskolar ng bayan be informed of the ramifications of this law on his person, and be aware of the remedies available to protect his rights. The SLAAC, with the LSG-NAC, the CSSP-SC and the USC-EDRES, invite your organization to participate in the forum on the Human Security Act of 2007, entitled Terorista Ka Ba?, on June 29, 4:00 -5:30 PM at the Palma Hall Room 400. Atty. Theodore Te, a respected professor from the UP College of Law, will provide an in-depth discussion of the law in relation to our status both as students of the university and as seeds of hope of the country.

We look forward to your attendance and input in this event.


Yours truly,

Project Co-Head

Project Co-Head