Thursday, November 27, 2008


Welcome to the Econ Rep’s official multiply site! As the Economics Representative, my duties and responsibilities are purely external in nature. So one thing I want to accomplish in this site is to inform the students of what we do and what we are doing in the service of the students and the Filipino people here in the Office of the Economics Representative. On a regular basis, this site will provide information on the campaigns, services and activities of the School of Economics Student Council (SESC) and the University Student Council (USC).

The blog will be used mainly for commentary on issues ranging from those within our University to those issues at the national and international level that are relevant and with emphasis to those issues that concern economics. Readers, not only students of the School of Economics, are free to comment on the articles posted. Most of the articles here will be written by me personally and will offer my personal opinions, thoughts and observations. Some articles will come from contributing writers who are part of the Volunteer Corp of my office. The goal of this blog is for all of us to gain from the pooling of ideas and opinions and engage in intellectual discourse.


Pierre Martin Reyes
Economics Representative

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