Sunday, January 6, 2008

Be part of the USC Community Fair!

The Community Fair is an annual project of the University Student Council, in line with its mission of serving not only the student body, but the other sectors of the UP Community as well.

This year, it will be held on January 26, 2008 at the Dagohoy Basketball Court in Barangay Dagohoy, UP Campus.

All organizations wishing to participate may contact us to inform us of their willingness, and the service they are wishing to offer. All orgs may also choose among the following services which were developed in coordination with the local leaders of the target community:

- Reproductive Health and VAW (Violence Against Women)

- Nursery (Children's Games and Storybook Reading for Children)

- LGBT Rights

- Dental Mission

- Diet Plan/Nutritional Advice

- Livelihood Skills Training

- Leadership Training

- Film Showing

More than one organization may offer the same service, to lessen the logistical burden on the organization. In fact, we recommend that more than one organization offer a given service.

This year, we aim to make the Community Fair more attuned to the needs of the UP Community, especially the target communities in which the Fair will be held. Many of us have been accustomed to the concept of community service as a one-time thing, such as a medical mission, or a donation of goods to the residents. While we do not discourage this practice, we wish to complement this by accompanying these services with an information campaign regarding the rights of the residents and other information relevant to their daily lives.

In line with this, all interested organizations must hold workshops on either January 16, 19 or 20, to coordinate with other organizations within their service cluster. Aside from that we will also invite resource persons to provide insights on basic human rights and issues related to the service your organization will be offering.

Please contact the Community Rights and Welfare Committee through the following number: 09272539215, or email us at

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