Saturday, December 1, 2007

SESC is rocking the world wide web! ASTIIIG...

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ang bagong SESC Website!

  • Now operated by a content-managed system that allows SESC to update the website the way you update your typical blog account.
  • Designed with a new skin and cool graphics inspired by SESC's theme for this semester, Rock the Status Quo.
  • With articles that are made printer and email-friendly through PDF, print, and email icons for each post.

Interactive. Featuring
  • a polls section that allows online users to vote about SESC endeavors
  • a tagboard that allows you to announce, comment, or suggest to SESC.
  • an online forum for you to discuss your thoughts on any topic under the sun.

  • Access publications and information about SESC, Econ-based organizations and links to other student councils through the website .
  • Powered with a search function that makes it faster and easier for you to find information about SESC when you need it.
  • Featuring RSS feed entries that allows you to know the latest headlines from the USC Blog by the Econ Rep and to subscribe to the SESC website.
Rock the Status Quo.

Made possible through the initiative of the Office of the Economics Representative

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