Tuesday, November 20, 2007

UP Fair Booth Bidding Update: 21 Nov 2007


Bid Booklets are now available at the USC Office. Please claim them.

Submission of Bids is extended!! November 23, 2007, 5 pm na ang submission.

The next All Leaders Conference will be held on November 28, 2007 instead of the previously announced Nov. 23.


All orgs are required to AT LEAST merit 100 points for each of the bagsakan sets. Meaning, you should be present every weeek for the bagsakan. This is to ensure that we will be able to collect sufficient amount of goodies that will be distributed during the Community Fair and for emergency purposes.

There will be no maximum number of t-shirts that could be ordered. However, a maximum of ONLY 10 Centennial planners will be credited to your organization if you decided to buy. But of course we are not limiting you to buy for your own perusal and satisfaction.

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