Tuesday, July 10, 2007

USC CCA kicks-off Tanghalan Tanghalian, LIKHA series

The University Student Council Committee on Culture and the Arts (CCA), and the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council (CSSP SC) recently held Tanghalan Tanghalian with the UP Concert Chorus last July 9, 2007, Monday, at 12:30 p.m. at the Palma Hall Lobby. Tanghalan Tanghalian is a series of noontime performances from the University's finest cultural organizations. Watch out for it in the School of Economics soon.

CCA, CSSP SC, and the UP Advertising Core (ADCORE) also started off LIKHA: Linangan ng Kakayahan, a creative skills workshop serie with a crash course on basic publicity layoutv using Adobe Photoshop held last July 10, 2007, Tuesday, at 1:00-2:30 p.m. at the PH 207 (CSSP AVR).

The University Student Council Committee on Culture and the Arts is headed by Councilor Jeff Crisostomo, with councilors Third Bagro, Jo Latuja, and NiƱa Acasio and college representatives Dindin Grey, Mae Palgan, Oliver Co, Ayeen Malolos, and Ella Sombillo as members. Contact the USC CCA at
updusc_cca@yahoo.com.ph. You can also invite them to multiply through the said account.

Here's the first edition of CCA express which we also disseminated through the SESC mailing list:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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