Sunday, February 24, 2008


USC Statement on the current national situation
Distributed last Advocacy for Sustained Accountability and Reform (ASAR) protest action last February 22.

The Arroyo Administration has gone far enough. The current scandal involving the National Broadband Network (NBN) has to be the last straw.

Now, we find ourselves caught in the national drama unfolding with Jun Lozada blowing the whistle on Gloria Macapagal Arroyo accusing First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo and former COMELEC Chair Benjamin Aalos of receiving an obscene amount of money for the ZTE NBN project. Malacanang also allegedly intervened by hindering him from testifying on the issue before the Senate.

This is definitely now what we deserve. Scandal after scandal, we have witnessed how the Arroyo administration has shamelessly made a mockery of the trust we have given to it. Not too long ago, this administration has been plagued by the fertilizer scam and the Hello Garci scandal; but even before it has absolved itself, it is now again being plagued by another one. Arroyo has gone far enough and we, the Filipino people, have had enough. We have had enough corruption. We have had enough of scandals. And we have had enough of Gloria Macapagal Aroyo. She must step down now.

But this cannot be translated to our desired result with our seeming culture of tolerance that allows those who commit crimes against the nation escape unscathed. At this important juncture in history, we Iskolars ng Bayan, must act. Let us not be limited by the vague alternatives, yet let us be empowered by our clear agenda. We know what we want and what we need for this country and it is high time that we be at the forefront for the struggle for social justice in order to bring back genuine democracy.

We, the University Student Council of UP Diliman, call on our fellow Iskolars ng Bayan to be on with the Filipino people in various forms of action seeking the removal of Arroyo from the Presidency, ultimately ensuring the attainment of our goals as a nation. We urge our fellow students to join the mobilization led by the Law Student Government (LSG), which will be attended by Jun Lozada, today at 5:00pm at the College of Law Lobby. There will be assemblies at Vinzons Hall, Palma Hall, and other key points around the Academic Oval at 3:30pm. The contingent from the College of Law will lead the march around the Academic Oval which shall terminate the program venue.


University Student Council
University of the Philippines - Diliman

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A.S.A.R.A.N. na!

February 22, 2008
Advocacy for Sustained Accountability and Reform

The UP Law Community urge you to fight for Truth and Accountabilty. We persist in our call for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo' s resignation, and this Friday's convergence is OUR STAND against the administration's continued refusal to publicly condemn the corruption and bribery in the ZTE-NBN deal.

The UP Law Student Government, in cooperation with the Ateneo Law and UST Student Councils, is inviting all organizations, fraternities, sororities, professors and students to be ONE this Friday, February 22. Please assemble at your respective colleges at 3:00 pm, and march into Malcolm Hall (LAW) by 4 pm. We will be joined by Mr. Jun Lozada at 5 pm.

Please wear WHITE.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Consultative Forum for the next UPD Chancellor

Students are invited to attend the consultative forum and hear the nominees for UP Diliman Chancellor on February 12 (Tuesday) at the NISMED Auditorium, 9am to 12 noon. The two nominees for Chancellorship are incumbent Chancellor Sergio S. Cao and Prof. Ma. Serena Diokno.

Any U.P. constituent may ask questions or bring issues to the attention of the search committee by emailing Please identify yourself when asking questions.

Click here for more details.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

USEB, USET formed for 2008 USC elections

The Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs recently released a memo announcing the members of the University Student Electoral Board (USEB) and University Student Electoral Tribunal (USET). The names were chosen from a list submitted by the University Student Council 2007-2008.

University Student Electoral Board (USEB)
Prof. Teresita Barrameda, CSWCD
Prof. Solomon Lumba, Law
Mr. Michael Tiu, School of Economics
Ms. Tatia Rashid, School of Statistics

University Student Electoral Tribunal (USET)
Prof. Teresa de Villa, UPIS
Prof. Vladimir Gonzales, CAL
Prof. Herman Kraft, CSSP

Election Coordinator: Dr. Oscar P. Ferrer
Assistant Election Coordinator: Ms. Olivetti Carullo

For the complete schedule of the 2008 University Student Council Elections, check the SE 101 Bulletin Board.

UP Fair Nights Preview

Click on the images to enlarge.

LOVERAGE 2: Outloud! The Centennial UP Fair Kickoff Night (Poster)

Rakestra 2008: Lost in Oblivion (Poster)


UP Fair 2008 Saturday: EUFARIA
